I really don't want to go in.
I hate dealing with people and-
What's this? I thought this was the bank, not Heaven.
Stay calm, just (oh god she has perfect hands!)
No! Ok she's cute but that's moot.
Just stay in line and act normal.
She sounds cute too. Not that I can hear from here.
Just... Damn. She's extra cute.
Yes hi, I'd like to make a... withdrawal.
Why yes my name is really awesome sounding, yours is too.
I read it off your name tag (and cryed it in my dreams).
I mean. Um. Yeah.
My shirt? Uh yeah it is nice.
(Jesus! No one could get that reference!)
And that means she must have played the whole
series too cause... it's getting warm in here.
You leave and I'm left with that wave of creamy floral scent.
We're having a fight on the roof of your
studio apartment. You just love me too much dear.
I need my space. You tell me you'd do anything
but I already know.
I'm taking your glasses off in the back of my
subcompact and I get a look at your eyes for the first time,
the first real time. And then we have sex and it's like,
really awesome. Like way awesome. The sex is.
Your Dad is a pretty chill dude you know,
And I can just call him Larry, and
he's not wary of my character at all.
Your brother's pool is a pretty kick ass place for a bachelor party.
I don't tell you that last part but your brother and I wink at the reception.
He knows.
I know what we should name him, I've had it picked out forever.
Leon! It's the coolest boy name ever.
I know you want to name him after your grandfather, dear.
We'll compromise. (But George is a name I despise).
And we have sex and it's totally rad.
Your face hasn't aged at all dearest.
It's the truth, you look just as beautiful as the day we met.
You'll have to speak up I'm heard of hearing.
I love you too, happy aniver-
Huh? Oh um... yeah 300 dollars.
In twenties and tens, if that's cool.
No like, 200 in twenties, 100 in...yeah. Cool.
Yeah you too.
I go back to the car where we first...well you know.
As close as I looked at you over all those years,
as inscrutable as the details became...
...I must have missed your wedding ring.